Live Mesh Remote Desktop
by poedgirl on 23/04/09 at 2:27 pm

I just have one thing to say about Live Mesh Remote Desktop. It’s retarded. What kind of an idiot developer would make screen updates a higher priority than click events? I’m at work right as I write this post and I’m trying to access my home PC. I just happened to have a website open in the background that had an animated ad banner on it. Of course, this means I can’t do anything through LMRD. It would rather display the animation than process my mouse clicking on the minimise button of the browser.
Another big problem I have with it is the fact that there is no way to make the screen display a limited amount of colours to save bandwidth. This is essential for attempting to use a proxied service over the internet. Aside from the screen update retardedness, it still goes extremely slow because it’s displaying all 16.7 million colours with no option to reduce them.
Back to VNC for me, there’s no way I’ll continue to use something so backwards.